Very helpful, Janice. I found your detailed, concrete list of "things to do" accessible and comforting. As I went through each point, ticking them off, I realized I was on top of the game. Only ONE conundrum remains...who and what controls MY choices? My answer is money - and the lack of it. That has a lot to say about where my future choices lie, how I want to live my life, and where my final home will be.

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Very true - money certainly plays a major role. I guess, then, the question becomes, is there anything I can do right now to improve my options.

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This is good advice, well written from lived experience. I watched my mother struggle with these same issues when my father died four years ago. At 84, she's managing but with planning it could have been a lot easier.

I'm halfway to 61 and not intending to exit the scene in the foreseeable future. Nonetheless, I've been training my husband how to run the household,etc. I've rewritten many of my recipes (on an excellent app) in terms he would understand, including which appliances at what settings. All our passwords are in a secure app we both have access to.

I've also begun writing a newsletter with the view to in time generating my own income.

But, even while making preparations for the unexpected, we are still living life large and are currently in the middle of plans to relocate abroad.

Great article, Janice.

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Hi Sharon, Thank you so much for your kind words. You are very wise to prepare, I think. In retrospect, I should have done a better job. Best wishes on your newsletter and your anticipated relocation. It all sounds very exciting.

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