
That's for sure - a lot more. We didn't have pets as kids, but in my adult life they have played a huge role and are super important in my life.

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It's interesting - so many people don't understand the connection between animals and their owners.

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Oct 9, 2022Liked by Janice Walton

Such a sweet story of Rescue 💕💕

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Thanks so much.

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These little furry creatures know more than we give them credit for. They know when someone they love is missing and they get lonely. And they do not like change. Such a sweet empathy you share here, Janice. Thank you

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Thank you for sharing. I am so glad you kept your kittens safe with you unlike so many people who actually drive away leaving their pet to fend for themselves. Tragic.

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That it is - how some people treat their pets is very sad.

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So heartbreaking. My husband’s horse got very depressed after he passed. She still is almost a year later. She’s just not the same girl she was.

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I often wonder what life is like from our fur babies' perspectives. Loving them through the tough times - theirs and ours - is the best we can do. And I believe they know and appreciate it in their own way.

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I am totally convinced they know . . .so many times they have sensed my sad mood and moved in to comfort.

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Wow… this was very touching to read Janice ❤️.

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Lovely! As a cat lover myself (I have a cat and 1 stray kitten who came to us a few weeks ago) I was very moved by this piece. Thank you!

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It isn't easy for any of the family members, that's for sure.

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