My abuelita is 91 years old. She's not really my grandmother; it's a term of endearment in the family.

Anyway, I'm very proud of her. She's gotten on board with modern technology and knows more about how to do some things than me. She's sharp and active. She's been taking care of things her whole life and - while she does have some physical limitations - her mental attitude is top notch can do.

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My hat is off to your abuelita.

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Thank you, Janice, for this great reminder about the importance of positive "self-talk". I first learned this lesson as a child from the little engine that could - "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can." It was later reinforced to me as a member of Weight-Watchers. We first have to clear away the negative clutter floating around our minds, the constant running conversations with ourselves telling us that we can't do something. If we think we can't, then we probably can't. And vice versa.

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well said. That little engine was and is a great role-model.

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Attitude is everything! Staying active physically and doing things that stimulate our minds helps keep us feeling youthful & vital. We need to focus on what we can do, not what we can't do...and that's good advice at any age!

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I think that’s key, focus on what you can do.

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Enjoyed reading this, Janice! One thing I am trying to do is change the speaking vocabulary I use about myself. I find I'm constantly referring to myself as "old" -- often putting myself down, diminishing my worth for other's benefit. Wish me luck!

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Jan, That is a great reminder for me too. I wish us both luck.

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