Thank you for your insight and observations. So similar to my own journey. Blessed Be

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Hi Hope, Thank you so much for subscribing to the newsletter. My wish is that you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it. Happy Thanksgiving to you as well.

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Thanks! It wasn't easy but it can be done.

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Dan's second proposal of marriage to you brought tears to my eyes. A last minute renewal of vows. Such a sweet, sweet, memory for you. It brought to mind my mother's last few lucid days and how I treasure them in my memory. Thank you, Janice.

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Hi, That's the way I saw it - in the midst of his confusion - he was still making that choice. A real gift for me.

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Hello Janice, your word is full of wisdom and inspiring. I'm in my late 40s. I decide to subscribe your newsletter. Thanks for sharing! Happy Thanksgiving!:)

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Change is hard at every stage of life, but most especially when we've grown older. I admire your determination to reinvent yourself despite the difficulties. You're an inspiration for us all.

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Hi and thank you so much. I had no idea how impactful or in how many ways his death would touch me.

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Such positive news!

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This was so helpful, Janice! I still have my husband of 55 years, but as we age I've been feeling some anxiety. Thanks for giving me a heads up on what to expect if my husband dies first. {{Hugs}}

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Hi, I wasn't expecting him to die first either - and was totally unprepared. We had done practical things fortunately, like wills, powers of attorney, etc. - but my emotions have been the challenge.

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