Aug 4, 2022Liked by Janice Walton

The grieving does lessen over time, surely, but we never truly get over the loss of our life partner. And why should we? Just a fact of life... and death.

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Excellent compendium of information. Thank you for providing it.

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Thank you, Janice, for sharing your own very personal experiences with care-giving. It makes it so much more real. This article opened wounds that are only just now beginning to heal after the death of my mother five years ago. Total care-giving, 24 hours a day, especially in the final few months, is exhausting, especially when it is someone you dearly love. It can be traumatizing to one who is unskilled and unprepared. I thank Hospice for saving my life, and helping me cope with the last days of her life. You gave us so much valuable information here. I agree -- prepare as much as you can right now.

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Sharron, That was my story - unskilled, unprepared, and devastated. Although Dan was in a memory care facility and I couldn't visit because of COVID for the final weeks of his life, Hospice was a life saver in my mind - more helpful and more supportive than the facility.

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