Hi Janice! I love reading your posts. They inspire me! I am learning Spanish too and was wondering if you could kindly share details of the free lessons you take! Thank you!! :)

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Hi Neerja, I am so glad that you are enjoying the posts. I use Duolingo (https://www.duolingo.com/learn). There is a free and paid version -it's easy and I have fun with it.

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I found this line so touching, "In the later stages of the disease, I was living his life for him." How well I remember getting my mom into the shower, washing her hair, standing by as she brushed her teeth, changing her clothes, clipping her nails. It was like tending to a child who didn't know how to do those things for herself. And, yes, the responsibility of being on call 24/7 -- sleeping with my ears open in case she needed me, those long months of jigsaw puzzles, drawing, word games, reading to her. Your articles are always empathetically right on point, Janice. I thank you for that.

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Hi Sharron, It was the hardest challenge of my life and a relatively short time comparatively speaking. I have so much respect for every one who has taken on that role. I smiled when you mentioned the puzzles,. Dan wouldn't draw or do word games, but jigsaw puzzles - I still can't even consider doing one. Take care.

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Yes, well, when I say jigsaw puzzles, I am talking 300 pieces. Not the big girl ones of 1,000 pieces. Between the two of us, we found the challenge level just right. Ha ha ha .

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Me too one 300 piece puzzle every day

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