Knowing what I do now, I would have a different approach to Mom’s health care - after Dad died and when she moved. She had no one supporting her - or only peripherally. This would be my plan today.

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Me too-with my Mom.

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thank you for your to-do list, very helpful

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So many good ideas here, Janice. Although I think I would have found someplace on the list to maybe TRY to bring mom to one's own town ( if not one's home ) so all could be together again..?

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What a great addition. I totally agree.

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Informative read, thank you for this... it wasn't around when I lived across the country from my mother. She never let me know how serious things were until they were well past anything I could do about them. Tragically she died before I could have done something different to help her get through. I'll live with this for the rest of my life. But like I always say, I did the best I could with what was available and what I knew to do at the time.

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Hi Patti, And that is the truth of it . .you can't fix what you don't know about.

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