Great article. I’ve always maintained we have four pillars of health: physical, emotional, spiritual, and social harmony, which you’ve explained and expanded nicely.

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Thank you for this! I will step up on all of these! One additional factor which has affected my family’s health has been environmental toxic exposures. I don’t know if it’s been just bad luck, or the fact that we’ve rented a lot, but through the decades, we’ve lived in several houses which had environmental problems... two had an unseen mold problem; and in a rural area of Georgia, we should not have trusted the unfiltered well water, our health deteriorated there; and we had health problems in a house which had been heavily pesticided. I could go on! We are now living in rural Virginia near several vineyards and I worry about glyphosate exposure. I’ve learned some good detox methods... far infrared saunas to sweat out toxins, hyperbaric oxygen, certain nutrients which help support the body’s detoxification pathways, etc.

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