Yes it is a gift worth pursuing! I picked up meditation about 5 years ago, it literally changed my life! I practice mindfulness or other types of meditation at least daily now (if not 2x/day). I am much happier, sleep so much better, and no more depression :) Best wishes to you!

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Love love love this!

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Thanks for sharing Janice. One of the most valuable things I’ve gotten from meditation is to learn to focus on the present. This is all about calming the mind. No doubt it’s easier to say this than to actually do it. But a yoga instructor said something years ago that still connects with me in helping me to calm my mind. And it’s this: “Don’t worry if thoughts are coming into your mind. It happens to all of us. Don’t fight it. Let them come in, then let them go out.”

Calming the mind while meditating became less difficult after hearing that. Hope people find this helpful.

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Such good advice, Janice. I can recommend Tai Chi. It is so rhythmic, slow, easy and relaxing. I feel like a graceful dancer ( which I am definitely not.) Keeps my joints moving in a way that is not painful. Try "Tai Chi in Five Minutes a Day" on Youtube. It is for beginners. Thanks for reminding us there are many different ways to meditate. Keep up the good work.

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Such an awesome summary of the types of and benefits of meditation!

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