I love this article, Janice. It is so timely. My friend Jim is in Arizona right now, bundling up his father

and bringing him to live with him in California. He is a good son. Skype and Zoom are helpful, surely, but he knows they are not enough. We are personally responsible for our old ones and MUST care for them. Period. By the way, a little off topic, but I saw a poster yesterday. " Life is short. Make sure you spend as much time as you possibly can arguing with strangers on the internet." Yes, ridiculous advice, but why do so many people do it? Are they looking for validation? For a sense of belonging? For meaning? They brag about having hundreds of "friends". I believe they have forgotten what friendship means. Sometimes I think people forget what family means, too. Keep up the fine work!

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What a blessing your friend is. So true, Skype and Zoom are helpful but they are not the real thing. Yes, it's probably why I like Bartle's story so much - they are a family. . . they have something that I don't see so much of anymore.

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This is great content. Staying engaged helps you stay active and independent longer

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Thank you.

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