Thanks for this information Janice. I am curious if you have any suggestions, or may write an article, about tips to increase concentration. I can appreciate that when you were under such a heavy load it became difficult to concentrate, in your case hard to focus on your reading. In retrospect is there anything specific you think would help with that? I know the suggestions you made here would be useful and create a shift that would then help with focus.

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Hi Donna, What a great question - it would be an excellent topic for a future article. From what I can tell, stress, frustration, and anxiety get in my way - so I look for ways to manage the underlying emotions. Even so, I read in small doses -skim articles, assess whether they seem pertinent, and save them if they do. Then go back as needed and re-read them.

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Excellent advice

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Thank you Michael. I did learn the hard way.

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"Being a caregiver was the most demanding, draining job I ever had." Me, too, Janice. Truly exhausting and traumatic, both physically and emotionally. I am still recovering from it. What helped me the most, I think, was deciding that I would sleep whenever she slept - day or night. The lack of sleep had been killing me. It helped a little. Thank you for always being so positive.

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That's a good idea. Lack of sleep was definitely an issue for me. Dan would wander at night - so I rarely slept well.

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This is very valuable, Janice. Thank you. You can't know the demands you will face until you are in the situation. Everyone understands the challenges of the ill person. Very few appreciate what the caregiver faces and it is a 24/7 job. Thanks for sharing.

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Hi Bill, That is the truth of it. Even though I was able to go for walks and get out, there was no reprieve from the responsibility, stress, and weight of the situation. It was like a backpack I wore for four years - one that got heavier and heavier as he declined.

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That is the part that very few understand. My hat is off to you. I know that your husband was extremely lucky.

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Always great information, Janice. Caregivers need all the help and support they can get!

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Jul 27, 2023·edited Jul 27, 2023Author

I totally agree with you - there is a lot of support for understanding and helping the ailing person, but not so much for the caregiver.

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I am going to save this article -- in case I ever need it. When I took care of my mom in her last 5 months of life, I was a mess. Thanks, Janice! xoxo

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Hi Jan, Great idea. I am still recovering . . .it's life changing - especially if you are not prepared.

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