You have come such a long way, Janice. I can see your progress in only the few months I have been reading Aging Well News. It is wonderful to watch you grow, to find your feet, to see you reach out and create gifts for us all. You should be very proud of yourself. I am proud of you!

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I recently found your substack and I find it to be inspiring and nourishing! I am almost half your age but can relate to your struggle with caregiving. When I was in my teens and early 20s, I became my mother's guardian when she developed a degenerative disease. To say that it was a stressful experience is a huge understatement. I certainly wish that I had something like your writing around at the time to help me keep the focus on the positive.

I think you are probably an inspiration to a lot of people and I thank you for sharing your experiences with the community of substack. Looking forward to reading more from you!

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my husband currently has cancer. The prognosis is good, and we are remaining positive, but in the back of my mind I’m fearing a future of fatigue and longevity of illness. I will treasure your words here and lessons learned.

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I love how you so clearly outline your purpose, I think very few folks can do that. Perhaps if you (when I say you I mean all of us) keep showing up to live a purposeful life the positive will slowly seep into the cracks.

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Yes. As my father is is bed-bound and dying, I’m trying to stay positive. My purpose is making sure Dad is comfortable during hospice. And I’m writing about it every day: https://reallife82.substack.com/p/diary-14-5-22-23

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Janice, if you would be open to sharing, I'd love to know what kind of 'smaller' car you got and why you chose it....and I'd also love to hear about the art work you are cultivating. Drawing, watercolor, acrylic, pottery....so many options. What do you find wonderful to try? 💜

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