
Believing in oneself is a powerful catalyst for success. It allows people to overcome obstacles, take risks, and turn dreams into reality. However, developing self-belief is a lifelong journey and a worthy effort.

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So true! What we believe about what we can do very much influences our abilities. Thanks for writing this.

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I appreciate having more tools for this work of learning to trust and believe in myself in a deeper way than I have previously. Thanks for writing!

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Well done Janice, I love this post! Thanks for sharing these great articles. I recently finished an excellent book that was recommended to me by another Substack writer, CK Stefeel of Good Humour. The book is Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One by Joe Dispenza. I found it very helpful, he's a good teacher who lays things out in an easy to understand manner.

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I really relate Janice. I have a husband who can do anything so I have deferred to hime far too often over the years. Mind you I have my expertises that he doesn't so it's not all one sided. You keep reminding me that's not the best strategy. I watch my sister who has been on her own for 20 years go from strength to strength. I might have to live next door to her if anything happens to my buddy!

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