
My writing New Year’s resolution is to add another side to my articles - snippets and stories of kindness and playfulness that bring smiles amid the serious stuff going on.

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I'm looking forward to what you will offer, Janice. I always think that smiles and subtle positivity produce their own rewards. Take care and happy new year!

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Hi Prue. I am going with that train of thought. The same to you take care and happy new year.

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Happy New Year, Janice! Thank you for the mention 🙏.

My writing errs on the side of seriousness, too. It's who I am and what I'm drawn to, but I am going to focus on bringing more lightness to my writing this year.

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Happy New Year, Janice... wishing you good health and much joy in 2024... and as always, thank you so much for the work you do. I appreciate you.

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Thank you so much. I wish you Happy New Year as well.

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Some life-saving ideas here, Janice. Thank you. I , myself , have resolved to worry only about those things locally, that I can DO something about. And then get busy. As you say in regard to the mayhem we see on TV "I can’t fix those things - and dwelling on them creates additional stress." And nothing is changed by your stress. Sigh...

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Hi Sharron, I really like that solution - identify the local problems and do what I can about them.

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7 Grandpets? Who knew?!

I've loved your writing so far, Janice. There are studies that show that playfulness is a great stress reliever. I'm looking forward to learning more through your lens of kindness.

Happy New Year to you. (And thank you for mentioning Kindness Magnet)

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Happy New Year Heather and thank you or opening some doors.

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I love this Janice, looking forward to meeting your grandpets!

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Hi Donna, Who would have thought - me who had no pets as a child would have them be so important in my life now. Happy New Year to you and your family.

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Thank you Janice, you too❤

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