No matter the path, it seems I’d be more at peace if I could corral my impatience, which might allow me to age well better—it’s worth a try. What do you think?

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Yes! Herons watching and waiting, indeed : ).

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This is so wise! Always a growth area for me, too!

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Hi Janice,

I’m just wondering…….my wife passed away after 7 long years battling cancer (it was extremely difficult and she fought with unbelievable courage to the end). Two months before she died, my son was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. He also fought to the end…..I’m now very short on patience since their deaths. What do you think about a possible cause being….well, just plain old anger?

Appreciate your writing!


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I agree, Michael. A possible, even likely cause could be plain old anger. I have tasted the frustration and irritation of the anger stage of grief. Your mind just rebels at the way it is and the enormous gap between the way things are and the way you feel things should be. Something else I've noticed in myself since my grief situation began, is after staring death in the face over and over, the miscellaneous b.s. of daily life feels so petty and ridiculous and dumb and irritating to me. Working so hard to relieve any amount of suffering for my love, pausing to think about something mundane likevpaying the car insurance feels like such a ridiculous irritating waste of time.

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Yes! Thank you…..You offer a much fuller explanation of my anger issue 😃

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Oddly, I think I’ve been developing more patience as I age. For me I think it’s related to trying to keep a positive outlook.

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This is always a hard one for me. I used to laugh at "serenity now" when it was a saying.

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Hint: Want to "Increase tolerance for life's inconveniences" and " move through the world more peacefully"? Give up your car and start riding the city bus. You are forced to learn patience, to learn to wait, to be inconvenienced and to practice tolerance every time you step up and drop your pass in the slot. Plus you have to walk a whole lot more. I know everyone can't do this, Janice, but it has really taught ME new attitudes in the last seven months with no car. Just saying opportunities abound. ha ha ha

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Hi Sharron, I bet it has 😂

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I started guided meditation this week to change my state. It's helping tremendously.

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Hi Patti, Good to know.

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